Monday, August 27, 2012

Yaba College of Technology recruitment for Academic & Non-Academic Job Vacancies

Yaba College of Technology- Applications are invited from suitably qualified candidates for appointment into the following positions in the college. 

1.) Principal Lecturer (CONPCASS 07).
Department/Programme: Banking & Finance.
(i) Ph.D from a recog d Institution with at least 9 years teachthg/research experience.
(ii) Masters degree from a recognized Institution with at least 4 years teaching/applied research expedence.

2.) Senior Lecturer (CONPCASS 06)
Department/Programme: Agricultural Technology.
(i) Ph.D from a recognized institution with at least 6 years teaching/research expeence.
(ii) Masters degree from a recognized Institution with at least 8 years teaching/applied research experience.

3.) Lecturer (CON PCASS 05)
Accountancy, Business Administration, Marketing, Agricultural Technology/Engineering, Languages, Marine Engineering Technology.
(i) Holders of Doctorate degree in the relevant field(s) from a recognized institution of higher learning with, a least 3 years of.teachingiresearch in an institution of higher learning, industrial experience and contribution to scholarly publications will be an advantage. OR
(ii) Masters degree from a recognized Institution with t least6 years teachingiapplied research in an institution othighenlearning, industriol experience and contribution to scholarly publications will be an advavtage.

4.) Lecturer II (CONPOASS 03)
Accountancy, Banking & Finance, Business  Administration, Marketing, Office Technology & Mgt, CiviI Engineering, Computer Engineering, Electrical Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, Agric. Technology/Engineering, Hospitality Mgt/ Leisure & Tourism, Science, Laboratory, Statistics, Social Science, Mathematics, Education Foundation, EstateManagement, Quality Surveying.
(i) A good horiours degree with a minimum of 5years relevant post qualification teaching/ research/industrial experience. OR
(ii) A masters degree in the relevant field from a recognised institution plus at least 3years teaching experience. OR
(iii) A doctorate degree in the relevant field from a recognized institution.

5.) Lecturer III (CONPCASS 02)
Accountancy, Banking & Finance, Business Administration, Marketing, Office Technology & Mgt,  Clvii Engineering, ScienceLaboratory, Statistics, Languages (French & English Specialization), Sobiology & Psychology, Mathematic,s,Education Foundation, Estate Mgt,Computer Engineering, Electrical Engineering, Food Technology, Agric. Technology/Engineering, Marine Engineering, Hospitality Mgt/ Leisure & Tourism, Metallurgical Engineering, Marine Engineering Technology.
(i) A masters degree in the relevant field from a recognized University plus evidence of post secondary teaching qualification. OR
(ii) A good honours degree in relevant field with at least 3years post secondary teaching experience.

6.) Assistant Lecturer (CONPCASS 01)
Accountancy, ComputerTechnology, Agric. Technology, Hospitality Mgt/Leisure & Tourism, Social Science (Law), Mathematics, Metaliurgical Engineering, Banking &Finance, Business Administration, Marketing,lndustrial Maintenance Engineering, Mass Communlcation, Polymer &Textile Technology.
(i) Agood honours degree with NYSC ceificate evidence of post secondary teaching experience will be an added advantage.

7.) Technologist II (CONPCASS 01)
Marine Engineering Technology, Agric Technology/ EngIneering, Computer Technology, Quantity Surveying, Polymer & Textile Technology, Food Technology,
HND in relevant field plus NYSC certificate.

8.) Research Officer I (CONTEDISS 08)
Applied Research & Technology Innovation.
A master’s degree in the relevant disciplines as for Research Officer I, plus 2years of experience in relevant filed.
9.) Libarian II (CONTEDISS 07)
Department/Programme: College Library
Qualification/Experiencce:  (i) A holders of first degree in librarianship or equivalent qualification with NYSC Certificate.

10.) Librarian I (CONTEDISS 08)
Department/Programme: College Library
(i) A Masters in Library Science (M.L.S.)
(ii) A holder of B.LS. wh the three years cognate experience.

11.) Program/Analyst II (Networking) (CONTEDISS 07)
Centre for InformatIon Technology and Management.
(l) B.Sc/HND in Computer Sciences, Computer Engineering or Electrical/Electronic Engineering from any reputable higher institution with at least 1year relevant experience.
(ii) CCNA highly desirable.
12.) Program/System Analyst II
Centre for Information Technology and Management.
(i) BSc/HND with upper credit or second class upper division in computer.
(ii) Candidate must have adequate knowledge, of accounting software.
(iii) He/She must have minimum of 5years experience in system administration.
(iv) Candidate must have NYSC certificate.

13.) Medica Officer I (CONTED ISS 09)
Medical Centre.
Qualification/Experience:(i) M.B.B.S. or equivalent qualification registered with the Nigerian medical council, with at least three years post quailification cognate experience or a candidate with post graduate qualification in medicine.

14.) Staff Nurse I (CONTEDISS 07)
Medical Centre
(i) N.R.N and N.R.M. or a holder of a good honours degree in Nursing from a recognize institubon of higher learning.

15.) Pharmacy Technician (CONTED1SS 06)
Medical Centre
(i) National Diploma in with at least two years experience

16.) Assistant Chief Accountant (CONTEDISS 13)
Department/Programme:  Bursary
(i) HND1BSC with upper credit or second class upper division in accounting.
(ii) Candidate must have minimum of 7years post professional qualification.
(iii) Candidate must have good knowledge of computer.

Accountant (CONTEDISS 07)
Department/Programme: Bursary

(i) HND/ BSC with upper credit or second class upper division in accounting.
(ii) Candidate must have good knowledge of computer.

How to Apply
Interested candidates are requested to submit (20) typewritten copies of their applications along with their Curriculum vitae and credentials giving the following information:
  • 1 Names in full
  • 2. Place and date of birth
  • 3. Nationality
  • 4. Marital status
  • 5. Number of children
  • 6. Permanent Home
  • 7. Present postal Address
  • 8. Next of Kin
  • 9. Institutions Attended with qualifications obtained and dates
  • 10. Present employment with dates
  • 11. Current salary (Level and Step)
  • 12. Academic Publications (Academic position only)
  • 13. Hobbies
  • 14. Names and address of three (3) referees whose reference letter should reach the College before the closing date.
Note: Please note that only short listed candidates will be contacted, and Applicants should indicate on the right hand cover of the envelopes, their names, post applied for and the department,

The Registrar
Yaba College of Technology
P M B. 2011, Yaba,

Application Deadline 3rd October, 2012

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